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The Amber Veil

Kamala's Own Perfumery

Regular price $7.00 Sale

Welcome to the primordial world of what we now call the belly dance. One of many cultures is just taking root in what we now call the Middle East. Women are learning how to care for their bodies with sinuous movements designed to help them in childbirth. The dancer loses herself in her dance, becoming entranced in the rhythms and in how her body responds to them. This trance takes her to a realm where she is one with the unknowable Divine; a realm beyond religion and beyond words. 

The Amber Veil is born in this space; invoked in musks and Ambers, brought forth on a bed of Olive leaves, and seasoned with Almond and with Black Pepper. The scent is rich in Amber, of course, but has an ineffable tang of fruit in it. The Amber Veil floats through the air, inviting you to connect with the Divine.