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Soothing Sampler

Kamala's Own

Regular price $42.00 Sale

The Soothing Sampler contains six blends designed to calm you down in various ways.

COMPASSION-Compassion was developed by my Reiki teacher and I while I was learning Reiki. Its original name was "Zone." It is a blend of essential oils designed to calm and soothe, putting you in the "zone" for a massage, Reiki, or any other healing or magickal work. It is a wonderful oil to inhale for stress, anxiety, or mental exhaustion. The major ingredients are Tangerine and Tansy. It should not be used by pregnant women, or those currently trying to conceive.

EQUANIMITY—I created this blend to help people with Bipolar disorder balance their moods.  In my experience, it seems to help people who don't have Bipolar disorder balance as well. The blend includes Lavender and Vanilla for a uniquely soothing experience.

HEART’S EASE—Imagine you have lost a person dear to you, whether by death or a breakup.  The space which used to be occupied by that person in your heart and in your day to day life feels empty.  You grieve. You rage. You blame yourself. You blame them. Your heart needs easing, and that's the gift that this soap helps you give to yourself. 

 Something magical happens when Heart's Ease meets water for which I have no explanation.  It transforms into a scent even more rich and beautiful than it is in the bottle or on the skin.  The major ingredients are Vanilla and Tansy.  Enjoy it in a bath salt or a diffusor for an even more comforting experience.

PEACE—Peace is a blend of pure essential oils which is designed to set mind, body, and soul at ease.  Its price tag is high because of the high percentage of pure Sandalwood oil in it.  Try it in a bath salt: pure heaven.

SERENITY—Serenity is one my my oldest blends to help calm and relax your mood.  The major ingredients are Lavender and Sweet Orange.  It is a good addition to a bath salt or a lotion.  Serenity is also very good in a diffusor.

STILLPOINT—Stillpoint is an essential oil blend made to still the mind in preparation for meditation or ritual work.  The major ingredients are Oakmoss and Frankincense.  It has also been used as a men's fragrance oil.