THIS SITE IS ABOUT PERFUMERY AND AROMATHERAPY, NOT ABOUT POLITICS. Our Barrington store is at 125 E. Main St. in downtown Barrington, IL. We are open Tuesday-Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.


Kamala's Own

Regular price $6.00 Sale

This blend was conceived in the dread summer of 1995 when 400 people died of heat effects in Chicago.  We were at the Bristol Renaissance Faire and the cast was literally dropping of heat exhaustion.  I searched my brain for something I could do to help and came up with this blend.  It works best if you apply 1 or 2 drops to the back of your neck.  The major ingredient is Peppermint essential oil, which takes your body temperature down.  Coolth helps on a hot day, and can also help with hot flashes.  We also make a Schpritz with it, which has become more popular than the oil itself.