THIS SITE IS ABOUT PERFUMERY AND AROMATHERAPY, NOT ABOUT POLITICS. Our Barrington store is at 125 E. Main St. in downtown Barrington, IL. We are open Tuesday-Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.


Kamala's Own

Regular price $6.00 Sale

Delirium (who was Delight)—The second of the Endless from “Sandman” blends, Delight became Delirium because of the industrial revolution.  Her scent, therefore, is evocative of nature gone awry: untamed, out of control, yet curiously impish and, well, delightful!  The blend is fruity and playful with elements of grass, honey, and chamomile dancing through it.

"The Delirium oil is just that, deliriously delightful! I was told it was calling to me at the Denver metaphysical fair and it could not have been more fitting, as my long time companion and canine familiar who passed last year was named for Delirium. It is not solely the moniker but the feeling of ancient and pure joy I experience inhaling this intoxicating blend." --JM, Colorado

Delirium, the youngest of the endless, was once Delight.. until mankind warped her. At most times sweet and quirky, the embodiment of whimsy, but underneath lies a dark current of confusion and insanity..

The perfume is again, perfect. It plays with being “too sweet” but stops just short. It’s warm and happy and young but not childish. And it’s putting me in a wonderful mood.. it pairs nicely with the weather outside, as the Midwest is still in that stage of spring where we’re only flirting with sunshine and warmth...
—ST, Indiana