THIS SITE IS ABOUT PERFUMERY AND AROMATHERAPY, NOT ABOUT POLITICS. Our Barrington store is at 125 E. Main St. in downtown Barrington, IL. We are open Tuesday-Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.


Kamala's Own

Regular price $7.00 Sale

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning “coiled one,” which refers to the concept of a coiled snake-like, vital energy which resides in the base of the spine.  The aim of yoga and other spiritual practices is to awaken the kundalini energy which helps to unite body, mind, and spirit in energetic health.  However, when the Kundalini awakens, it can be overwhelming and cause discomfort.  Kundalini energy is said to travel through the chakras. To experience it intentionally is said to bring enlightenment.  My Kundalini blend includes sacred White Champa and pure Indonesian Sandalwood oil.