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Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) organic from Kenya

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) organic from Kenya

Kamala's Own

Regular price $0.00 $30.00 Sale

Myrrh is an oil distilled from the resin exuded by a bush which can grow to a height of nine feet in the Middle East and North Africa. The dried resin has been used for centuries as an incense material, and was given to the baby Jesus to keep away evil spirits. Myrrh was part of the sacred recipe used in ancient Egypt to mummify the Pharaohs.

Myrrh essential oil is anti-inflammatory, Antiviral, anti fungal, astringent, and antiseptic. A Myrrh lotion can help heal candida, hemorrhoids, and open wounds. It is excellent as an ingredient in skin preparations for preventing wrinkles. Myrrh heals and soothes cracked, chapped, or burned skin, and can also be used in a foot lotion along with Tea Tree to both prevent and cure Athlete’s Foot.

Moving and drying fluids is something which Myrrh does extremely well. This makes it an ideal remedy for bronchitis, asthma, coughs, and colds. Myrrh has an affinity for the mouth, throat, and lungs. It can be used for gum infections, mouth ulcers, bad breath, and laryngitis. Myrrh is also helpful for gastrointestinal pain, blockages, and flatulence.

Myrrh stimulates menstruation and can help rebalance a woman’s hormones after either an abortion or the birth of a child. It can also be helpful for menopause and hot flashes.

Emotionally, essential oil of Myrrh calms hysteria and is a general sedative. It has a strong association with spirituality and meditation. Myrrh is a very centering and strengthening oil. It has been successfully used to help people deal with loss and rejection, as well as to let go of those who have passed on. Myrrh encourages a feeling of peace and acceptance. It dispels negativity and helps one feel courageous in the face of all obstacles. It should be noted here that Myrrh is also a sexual depressant.

Always dilute your essential oils in an unscented carrier oil like Sesame or Jojoba. Do not take essential oils internally. Always store essential oils out of heat and sunlight. Keep essential oils away from children and pregnant women.

All information in this description is copyright Kamala’s Own LLC. Please ask for permission to reprint it. This description is not medical advice and the information herein comes from personal experience, research, and folklore. If you believe you are ill, consult an M.D. Nothing here is meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Nothing here has been evaluated by the FDA.