THIS SITE IS ABOUT PERFUMERY AND AROMATHERAPY, NOT ABOUT POLITICS. Our Barrington store is at 125 E. Main St. in downtown Barrington, IL. We are open Tuesday-Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.
One drop of pure Vietnamese Oud (Aquillaria agallocha)

One drop of pure Vietnamese Oud (Aquillaria agallocha)


Regular price $11.00 Sale

Oud can have profound psychological effects so we recommend not driving or trying to do any seriously analytical work within 20 minutes of inhaling this oil. It can be used in a diffuser or used to refresh one of our amazing scent bracelets. It’s best use is as an aid to relaxation, meditation, or ritual. 

Yes, this is only one drop in a sample bottle, so those who want the amazingly unique experience of Oud can have it at a reasonable price. One drop is enough to inhale Oud and will last for a surprisingly long time if only used as an inhaler.