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Spearmint (Mentha spicata) organic from South Africa

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) organic from South Africa


Regular price $5.00 Sale

The uplifting scent of Spearmint is familiar to most people as a flavoring in candies and gums. Spearmint essential oil shares many of its uses with Peppermint, however, Spearmint is milder and sweeter than Peppermint.

Essential oil of Spearmint contains the chemicals L-carvone, dihydrocarvone, phellandrene, limonene, menthol, and pulegone among others.

Spearmint can be used on the skin diluted with Sesame oil to treat oily skin and acne. It can be mixed with Clove, Cinnamon, and Thyme, then diluted with Grapeseed oil to treat scabies as well.

This versatile essential oil can also help with issues of the head, including migraines, sinusitis, head colds, and flu. A dot of Spearmint oil under the nose two or three times a day should be enough for these applications. If the oil burns your nose, simply dilute it with a drop of Olive oil or any other high quality, natural cooking oil.

Few oils impart joy in the same innocent, childlike way as Spearmint. It can be used to help release one’s inner child, or just to return to a more childlike state of openness to the universe. Spearmint oil is also useful for fatigue, stress, neurasthenia, depression and ‘road rage.’

Always dilute your essential oils in an unscented carrier oil like Sesame or Jojoba. Do not take essential oils internally. Always store essential oils out of heat and sunlight. Keep essential oils away from children and pregnant women.

All information in this description is copyright Kamala’s Own LLC. Please ask for permission to reprint it. This description is not medical advice and the information herein comes from personal experience, research, and folklore. If you believe you are ill, consult an M.D. Nothing here is meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Nothing here has been evaluated by the FDA.