THIS SITE IS ABOUT PERFUMERY AND AROMATHERAPY, NOT ABOUT POLITICS. Our Barrington store is at 125 E. Main St. in downtown Barrington, IL. We are open Tuesday-Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5.

Essential oils

Our pure essential oils are imported from around the world.  When we can find organic, we get it, but that is not all the time for all of our oils.  Please look at each oil to see if it is organic. Our sources are tested by time.  Many of them are people we have been doing business with for over 20 years, and we trust them implicitly.

Always keep essential oils away from small pets and children under 6 years of age. Make sure you dilute them in carrier oils before use and never take them internally.  A good general rule for diluting essential oils is to use 10 drops per 1 ounce of carrier oil.  This can change depending on how you are intending to use your essential oils and which essential oils you are choosing. Feel free to message us with essential oil dilution questions.

I have given up buying so called essential oil salves and lotions.  I question if they use good quality ingredients because there is a huge difference between your aromatherapy and drug store/grocery store blends. --SH, Colorado 
Kamala’s has basically ruined me for all other essential oils sellers. I truly look forward to visiting them each summer at Bristol.--EB, Bristol Renaissance faire customer

99 products